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Dear Customer, You are our God

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Dear Customer, You are our God

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Dear Customer, You are our God

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Dear Customer, You are our God

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गलती से प्रेग्नेंट हो जाए तो क्या करें- PositiveGems

What to do if you get pregnant by mistake, home remedies


What to do if you are not planning any baby at the moment, and you accidentally get pregnant? We have given very good information about this in this blog, through this blog you will share all those measures so that you can get rid of unwanted pregnancy and you can plan your baby at the right time.

Often after marriage, couples want to plan their escape and want some time for this so that they can plan their escape comfortably. But sometimes there can be a danger of unknowing pregnancy, which is a matter of tension for both men and women, there is no need to worry when this happens, in case of unwanted pregnancy it is told that you cannot seek medical attention without anyone's advice. One should not buy medicines by going to the store, it can have very bad side effects. Therefore, through our blog, we will tell you what to do if you get pregnant by mistake? How else can you get rid of unwanted pregnancy?

What to do if you get pregnant accidentally? Home remedies for unwanted pregnancy

Get rid of unwanted pregnancy by consuming ginger with hot water:

If you do not want to plan a baby at the moment and have conceived unknowingly and you can treat it with home remedies, ginger is available in the kitchen of every house, put ginger in lukewarm water and after some time drink ginger juice. Drink the water. This can help you a lot.

Get rid of pregnancy condition by consuming neem leaves:

Apart from this, Neem also works as a contraceptive, grind Neem leaves and make its decoction. By consuming it regularly, the eggs produced in women and the sperm of men cannot conceive.

Keep one thing in mind, if you have not had your period for a long time, then definitely consult a doctor once. Do not take any medicine as per your wish.

Get rid of pregnancy by eating figs with hot milk:

If you have become pregnant by mistake, then to get rid of this unwanted pregnancy and to prevent your pregnancy, figs are considered very good and effective. Often people consume figs with hot milk in winters, it is healthy. It is very beneficial for pregnancy, but if you want to prevent unwanted pregnancy then eat 2 to 3 figs a day, you will not need to take any kind of medicine.

Uses of Vitamin C:

If you get pregnant by mistake, you can consume Vitamin C to prevent this unwanted pregnancy.

Disclaimer: The above mentioned method can be used only when the problem is not very serious. If you keep having unsafe sex then you can use the above mentioned solution.

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What to do if you get pregnant by mistake (important tips)

Get a pregnancy test done: If you feel that you have become pregnant by mistake, then first of all you should get a pregnancy kit from the medical store and do the test yourself and ensure whether you are pregnant or not. Many times the pregnancy kit does not give the correct result, hence test with the kit at least two to three times. Every time the result is positive, you should confirm it by going to the hospital once.

Use of contraceptive pill: This is a highly effective solution. Most women use contraceptive pills. By consuming it, menstrual pain can be reduced without interrupting sex.

Take advice from a special person: If both of you are not able to take this decision together, then you should talk to someone on whom you can completely trust, who can give you the right advice. Like your special friend or elder who can help you in such situations.

Talk to a doctor: If the problem has become more serious, we would advise you to consult a doctor. If you want to take any medicine or want to get an abortion, tell the doctor about it, he can give you the right advice, because the medicine can have some side effects, such as problems in getting pregnant again in the future. Only doctors can give better advice for this.

Call your primary care physician or ob/gyn and make an appointment. "It's important to see your doctor so he or she can find out how far along your pregnancy is. This helps determine your care and next steps," says Dr., MD, chief of obstetrics and gynecology at Women & Infants Hospital of Rhode Island. Maureen Phipps says

Do not use home remedies if the problem is serious: If you do most of the things safely, you can use home remedies. But if your problem is very serious then we would advise you not to fall prey to home remedies because home remedies work only when the problem is not very serious.

Take a decision together: If your male partner makes a mistake due to which you get pregnant by mistake, then at such a time it becomes necessary for both of you to take a decision together that both of you want to have a child and can take the responsibility. Have or want abortion. Take a decision only after understanding both its advantages and disadvantages thoroughly.

Get an abortion: If such a situation arises that you have to get an abortion done, then you should talk to a lady doctor. You can try a medical abortion only if it has not been more than 2 months since you conceived. Do not send your female partner to the doctor alone because after abortion the body becomes very weak and also needs rest. It is possible to feel dizziness and weakness after abortion. Therefore, at this time you should stay with your partner only.

What to do if you get pregnant accidentally tablet

Women always have this fear in their mind that if they accidentally get pregnant after having unsafe sex, what should they do? Use a tablet or ask a doctor? So for this, let us tell you that after having sex, you can take emergency contraceptive pill within three days to avoid pregnancy. Which is effective up to 75 percent.

Note: Emergency contraceptive pills are not 100% effective, but by taking them, your chances of getting pregnant can be reduced by 75%.

It is worth noting that other methods of preventing pregnancy, such as taking birth control pills or shots daily, are not as effective as emergency contraception. According to NCBI, ECP (Emergency Contraceptive Pills) can be taken within three days i.e. about 72 hours after unprotected sex. Some doctors may prescribe it for up to five days, but there is less evidence about how well it works beyond that time. The sooner you take ECP, the more effective it will be.

Note: ECP (Emergency Contraceptive Pills) is for emergencies only. You cannot take it as regular birth control. Excessive use of it may cause problems in conceiving in future.

According to NCBI, emergency contraception does not cause abortion. This is not an abortion pill. However, if you find out that you are pregnant after consuming it, it will not harm the fetus.

What should I do if I get pregnant by mistake and don't want to have a child?

What should you do if you get pregnant by mistake and do not want a child? So adoption is the primary option for pregnant women who no longer want their child and decide not to have an abortion. There are many adoption agencies, religious nonprofits, and local children's services that can provide legal and practical guidance if you choose adoption as an alternative to abortion.

What to do if I am 3 months pregnant and don't want a baby?

If you are 3 months pregnant and don't want to have a baby, you have two options available: abortion or adoption. You can talk to your doctor about your abortion options at 13 weeks. If abortion isn't for you, you can always choose adoption.

What should I do if I am 2 months pregnant and do not want a child?

If you are 2 months pregnant and do not want a child, abortion is the best option, but it can also have disadvantages. Adoption: For women who know they cannot become parents, but still want to give their child a chance to grow up in a loving family, adoption may be the best option.


Hope you have understood in the blog that "If you get pregnant by mistake, what to do, tablet or home remedy?" Complete information about all the topics has been given. If a woman accidentally becomes pregnant and wants to get an abortion, it has a very bad effect on the woman's body. In such situations, you must consult your partner before taking any other step without doctor's advice.

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